Saturday, July 30, 2011

the.ONE DAY.workshop with Erin Rachel

Hello Everyone! It's been a while since my last post... I decided I would update everyone on the goings on of my life :o)

Today I had the opportunity to take part in the.ONE DAY.workshop taught by a great photographer named Erin Wilson. She was able to shed some light on a TON of questions I had. I recently started shooting entirely in manual mode on my DSLR... scary huh...I thought so too and was having a little trouble picking it up. Well turns out its not sooo bad :o) She was really able to connect to us all on a level at which we could understand and walk away from her workshop truly having learned something and for that I am extremely grateful!!! I would also like to take this opportunity to let everyone know just how good homemade cinnamon rolls are...SUPERB!!!

Below are some of my images from the workshop. Some of them are Straight Off Of Camera shots and some have a little editing done on them. Never before have a been able to post up a SOOC with absolutely NO editing done on about a time saver!!

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