It has been a while since my last post on here! I have decided to take on a new project. I have enlisted the help of all my friends and have began a scavenger hunt. I have asked everyone to list something they would like for me to find and take a picture of. The point for me is to see how I can make an ordinary something unique and interesting through photography. Today was the first day that I actually set out on my task. I have several suggestions from my facebook page that I went out to look for. My sister joined me on my photography expedition today. She is working on a project of her own which I have have decided to steal and partake in as well :o)
The items I was searching for today were as follows:
Heart In Nature
Natural Light of the Sun
A Saints Fan... ... WHO DAT!!??
Parking Meter
Looking for these things today turned out to be really fun. Our quest involved us pulling over on the side of the interstate, propositioning complete strangers (who were actually really nice), getting parking meter advice from another complete stranger, and causing myself temporary blindness due to staring at the sun.
Here are my results...ENJOY AND KEEP THE HUNT GOING!!!!

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