Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sooo...what happens when...

Soo...what happens when you have a three year old, a bright red pair of boots, one pair of pink pajamas and two totally uncoordinated backdrops (my fault...whoopsy)??? Haha...well the result in my situation is a whole lot of black and white images :o)

About 6 months ago I ordered a baby blue tin backdrop solely to do some newborn pictures of my son and I had this bright idea to get my boss to bring his daughter over for some practice pictures one day. On the day they were scheduled to come for pictures I had my baby blue backdrop and white floor all set up and ready with a super cute blue and white lace petti romper and tutu for her to wear.

Now lets flash forward about 20 minutes and meet IVY, the three year old daughter of my boss. They arrived at my house with Ivy ready to a pair of pink pajamas and bright red boots :o) The plan to get Ivy into the petti romper...not happening. She was ready to rock those pink pajamas and red boots all day long.

After much persuading, begging, bribing, getting her dad to put tutu on and finally some coloring time we managed to get her into a blue jean romper with her red boots. Yes, you read that correctly...her boss...tutu...good times...good times :o)

So now I am thinking to myself what do I have that is going to match her bluejean romper and red boots?? I know...brown matches everything...wrong!! LOL. Ivy was as cute as she could be in her little outfit and boots but my brown damask backdrop was just not cutting it...but she was finally warmed up and ready to take some pictures. I knew that if i stopped everything to take down the backdrop and set everything back up that we were going to lose what do you do?? Me...I said what the hey...let's take some pictures.

After some handy dandy black and white adjustments her pictures actually turned out to be super cute and I have this great little story to tell about the little girl in her pink pajamas and red boots who just wanted to color.